Nordia France contacts


Pour plus d’informations sur nos produits ou pour envoyer vos questions, commentaires et suggestions, vous pouvez nous contacter à l’adresse suivante:


Z.I. Pré Brun B.P. 40
38530 Pontcharra
tél.(+33) 04 76 97 45 00
fax (+33) 04 76 97 45 09

Distributeurs dans le monde

Nous sommes présents dans plus de quatre-vingts pays dans le monde, avec des représentants locaux et un réseau de distribution efficace. Si vous recherchez un distributeur, remplissez le formulaire et nous vous indiquerons celui qui est le plus adapté à vos exigences.

Contact commercial

Contactez-nous pour toute question ou information commerciale, nous vous répondrons au plus vite.

Respect for your privacy is our priority

We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Accept and continue to consent to the use of all cookies. If you want to learn more or give consent only to certain uses click here. You can consult our updated Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy at any time.


ESSENTIAL COOKIE These cookies are required for the basic functionality of the site and are therefore always enabled. These are cookies that allow you to recognize the user who uses the site during a single session or, upon request, also in subsequent sessions and to solve problems related to safety and ensure compliance with current regulations.

PERFORMANCE COOKIE They allow us to improve the site's functionality by keeping track of the use of the website itself. In some cases, these cookies speed up the processing of user requests, as they help us remember the preferences you have selected for the site. If you disable these cookies you may receive little personalized advice and experience slowness in using the site.

You can always change your preferences by accessing the section Cookie Policy.